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Today's Daily Devotional
I'm Sorry...
From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 4:17
After Jesus had spent forty days alone in the desert and being tempted by Satan, He heard of John the Baptist's imprisonment (Matthew 4:11-12). He then left Nazareth and went to Capernaum where he began his public ministry. Calling for ordinary fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James, and John) to leave their nets behind and follow Him, they traveled throughout Galilee where Jesus taught in synagogues, preached the good news of the kingdom, and healed every disease and sickness (4:23).
His message was always a call for repentance just as John the Baptist's had been. Every person who has ever lived has had a sin problem. The only exception is Jesus (1 Peter 2:22). Everyone else must repent of their wrong doings to become acceptable in God's sight. Their faith must be put in Jesus' sufficient death for them as an atonement for their sins. He bore our iniquities so that we might be made righteous and holy before the Almighty (2 Corinthians 5:21).
True repentance is much deeper than a quick, "Sorry, God." It's an about-face, turning away from sinful habits, thoughts, and deeds. Acknowledgement of the offenses against God is necessary. A deliberate turning or returning to God should result in moral and ethical changes in a person's behavior. Beliefs once held as true are shifted when exposed to God's Word as the pattern for living. This new discipline of practicing repentance daily brings a renewal and refreshment to one's relationship with God. It reminds us that the kingdom of heaven is near, and we can rejoice in that promise of our Savior.
Written by: Lois Dahlstrom
About the author: Lois has a heart for serving God and sharing His Word. She graduated from Judson University and taught in a Christian school for 25 years. She is a student of the Bible and we are blessed to share her devotionals.