What Products Can I Buy That Support Christian Missions?

As consumers, we contribute a lot of money into the free market and we’ve found that many of our Christian friends are looking to be as strategic with their dollars as possible in an increasingly secular world.

Many of us are seeking out ways to support our Christian brothers and sisters in more ways than simply with our tithes and offerings. We want to know where our dollars are going and how they’re being used. We want to be sure we aren’t supporting those large organizations pushing agendas that don’t align with our Christian values.

So, just how do we do buy products that support Christian outreach? One way is to find those companies, like Atrio Hill, who openly confess their faith. Small, family-owned companies often share their story and a little bit about the faith on their website. Take time to read about the company where you’re buying gifts to determine if they align with your values.

Another great way that your buying power can support Christian mission work is to find companies who give back to Christian organizations and who support Christian ministries. Our company has committed to giving back a minimum of 10% of all profits to the work of growing God’s kingdom.

We’ve partnered with vendors that support ministries such as New Day Foster Home in Beijing, China; A Better Life for Kids; Men’s Discipleship Network and Truth Ministries.

Every purchase of a journal, necklace, or coffee mug means more Christian mission work is able to happen. That’s right, the money you’re spending anyway on gifts for friends and family can be more targeted because you’re supporting a network of Christian businesses who are committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your support!

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