The Best Gift Ever

The Best Gift Ever...
Thank God for this gift, His gift. No language can praise it enough.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Days of shopping and evenings of wrapping are behind us now. Tomorrow is Christmas! Those numerous gifts under the tree are meant to be expressions of our love for family and friends, yet in the bigger picture of life, there is a shallowness to them no matter the price tag. How can a gift in a box represent love?
When God sent His Son into the world, He knew Jesus was the most costly gift that could ever be given. The incarnation was the embodiment of Himself in human form (John 1:1). He foreknew that those little hands in the hay would someday have nails driven through them. He knew that the victory over death would be won at the cross and celebrated at the empty tomb. His Gift would have the final say.
A Christmas card we received sums up in just a few words God's love plan made possible through His Son/Gift. It reads:
Because of Love, He came for us;
Because of Grace, He died;
Because of Hope, He gave us life -
A Living Sacrifice.
May this Christmas be one in which you rejoice in the Savior's first coming and look forward to His return. Never stop thanking the Lord for His greatest gift of all. Our risen Savior deserves our praise and adoration everyday. Let your heart overflow with gratitude to the One who loves you so. Merry Christmas from all of us at Atrio Hill
Written by: Lois Dahlstrom
Merry Christmas!