When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
On the final Sunday of Advent, the candle on the ring representing Light glows brightly. It stands for Jesus, the Light of the World, who takes away the darkness of sin's penalty of death by defeating it. The empty tomb proved that.
In 1st John 1:5 scripture declares that God is light and in Him (Jesus) there is no darkness at all. Because He was sinless, Jesus was able to bear our sins on Calvary. As followers of Him, we are to reflect His light to those around us by the way that we live. Honoring the Savior in worship, our speech, and in our actions of daily living can be a magnet that draws people to the One who loves them so. The darkness of the world is frightening, but our hope is found in the baby whose birth we celebrate in just a few days.
Like the pillar of fire that led the way of the escaping Israelites from their cruel taskmasters of Egypt, Jesus, the Light of the World, lites your pathway when you choose to follow Him. Move towards the Light through prayer, scripture readings, and meditation everyday. It will give you a sure foundation for spreading love, joy, peace, and hope to those around you who walk in great darkness. Let your Jesus light shine for all to see! (Matthew 5:16)
Written by: Lois Dahlstrom